One click at a time

By KeithKnight

May Challenge - Round

Day 25 of DDW's May daily challenge - Round

A week ago I was at the RPS Distinctions advisory day and was given a few suggestions as to how to improve the centre row of my panel in order to avoid the criticism that there wasn't enough variety of style in the panel. The main suggestion was to get more of a feeling of depth (by reducing the depth of field), and while I could do this with some of the existing images as they were focus stacked, so I could quite easily reduce the depth of field by restacking them with fewer images (and as I had the stacks stored as Smart Objects I wouldn't need to repeat any of the other processing) I decided that I would also try reshooting one or two other images and look at repeating a couple of others to see if they could fit the criteria, so I went over to the Henry Moore Foundation at Perry Green. It also gave me an excuse to play with the new toy :)

The images in the panel are all details of sculptures, and although full of curves so lots of things that are round, I've gone for the only straight shot that doesn't need processing that I took, and an unusually straight shot by me too! A sculpture that hadn't been there in previous years when I had visited - Goslar Warrior 1973-74, with a nice round shield.

I should probably add that this is the "rear" view, but it was the side that the light was on for the other images that I took.

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