One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Musical May - Holiday Inn - Too warm for snow!

Today's musical - Holiday Inn - is most famous for the song "White Christmas", which Irving Berlin first conceived on the set of the film Top Hat.

So, on the warmest day of the year so far, we have my "White Christmas" blip. I went out to a small village a couple of miles from my house which has the pretty name of Lilley. I was intending to take pictures of their church, but the light was in the wrong direction, so instead on my way home I stopped and took this picture of some fields.

As Fred Astaire was in the film I did consider getting him out - but the weather was too hot for chocolate penguins. (see Top Hat and Follow the Fleet to understand that!)

All taken on my Infra Red converted camera, with a bit of jiggery pokery to get a blue sky back, and leave the fields nice and white.

Will tomorrow be a self portrait for 'Funny Face' or will it be something else?

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