Will’s new glasses

Here he is, in full French speaking flow. We are both a little relieved (very relieved) that we can only fit in one more session before his exam on Wednesday. He is much better now though. And he looks lovely in his glasses.

My Sunday has been a bit of a mess. I have signed up for swimming lessons at 6pm on a Sunday evening, i met Emma at 5:30 to go over and she was the same. It’s not the right time to be going out for lessons, I am normally all settled in by that time on a Sunday. Anyway, turns out I was pretty much the only person there who hadn’t had years of previous lessons (except they call it training) and very quickly established myself as the bottom of the class. Which is all completely fine, I’m sure I’m better at other stuff than other people. It all went very quickly, and now I just need to sort my Sundays out for the next few months do I don’t feel like I’m waiting for my swimming lesson all day.

And, whoop whoop, no work tomorrow as the start of my new compressed hours regime.

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