Worse Than We Thought

Having eased himself out of his sleeping bag and into position for breakfast it quickly became apparent that Marks injury required more treatment than we could give.
Mrs S drove her brother to Teignmouth Community Hospital who after X-Rays decided it needed more treatment than they could give so they were sent over to Torbay Hospital A&E.
Upshot, with his toe broken in four places, damage to the nail bed and no doubt still in some shock Mark had to stay in overnight for an op first thing tomorrow.
Mrs S was gone for around six and a half hours, I was left on my own but that’s never been a problem. I washed up the breakfast things, tidied our pitch and settled down with my book. It rained on and off but it doesn’t dampen the spirits it’s part of camping. There’s something quite soothing about the sound of the rain on the tent and with no TV, radio or music I could sit in peace & quiet and read and relax.
Mrs S arrived back, minus Mark, we enjoyed camp fire chilli, (made Thursday and stored in the portable chiller), with cheese but didn’t bother with the nachos. A quick catch up on our respective days, a hot drink and bed.

Spring Camp and Oktoberfest weekends are always memorable, normally for better reasons, but life’s an adventure.

Todays photograph was taken about an hour before the damage occurred last night.

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