Hanoi, Sleeper bus
Quickly got up and changed to go and get breakfast as it was nearly about to finish. We signed out of Vientiane backpackers and went to a cafe and got an expensive shake. We read our books there for quite a long time.
Had lunch at a different place. Katie and I got a local loa dish called laap chicken.
We went to the local shop and got some food for our 24 hour bus journey.
Our bus came at 5 and they took us straight to the sleeper bus which was so good. We all had our own reclining seats but it was so cramped. We travelled for about 20 minutes and came to a bus station and we were told we had to switch buses. I don't know why we were complaining about the other bus as this one was horrible. We were all squished on and people were sleeping in the aisle. We even had a huge lizard in a sack above us. I was sleeping next to the hippie we met in the hostel and saw her on Vang Vieng. She had huge dreadlocks so they kept going in my face which wasn't so nice!
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