
By jodeane

Raworth light show

Out the front tonight after work trying out a few things with the camera. I think the neighbours thought that I had gone mad, out in the dark with a camera on a tripod! It was a bit of a diversion after a rather emotional day at work. One of our residents past away today. After years of nursing, I'm usually ok with these sorts of things but today was particularly difficult because this gentleman's wife also is a resident. She comes over everyday (from our low care facility) and she talks to me about things. She is a stoic lady and shows little emotion. But today after he had past, she let it all out and was so upset. It was very sad to watch. I sat with her later this afternoon and she told me some of their stories. This is why I love my job so much, it is such a privilege to be able to be a part of these people's lives and to learn so much about them, and it is rewarding to be able to give something back.

thanks for the lovely comments yesterday about my LGB collection. It was nice to see that I stirred some memories in people about their own favourites. I'm sorry I haven't commented on others blips too much lately. Life is a little crazy at the moment.

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