"And finally Cyril?"©

© Esther Rantzen. "That's Life".

I didn't want to bill it "That's the last." as the Cobbler said when he hit his wife; for obvious reasons.  I suspect that when I stop Blipping I will have STOPPED!

The reason for this one?  LA often sends me a gardening Token @ Birthday - usually well spent.  This time I thought I'd record what I bought and let her see.  Now they're all "here" and tagged to find.

"This is the last" of the purchases and I succeeded @ less than £1.00 over budget. Tulipa Tarda (A dwarf variety) - IF we can still use the term under the eye of the P C guest Appo.  We had some, Alice liked the & they, eventually died.
;¬ ) 

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