Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Holy Sunshine, Batman!

Alfred Pennyworth: Drive sports cars, date movie stars, buy things that are not for sale... who knows, Master Wayne? You start pretending to have fun, you might even have a little by accident.
~Batman Begins Movie (2005)

Don't let the bright lights fool you - we may have had some sun today, but it was still bitterly cold. This is the late afternoon light playing through my stained glass windows and casting reflections on the wall. Beautiful, isn't it?

I was chatting online today with an old friend and former colleague. He asked me if I was happy now in Düsseldorf. I pointed out that he always liked the tough questions. And then I had to think about my reply, as he deserved more than a canned answer. This is the guy I trusted to take me skydiving. So I told him that most days I manage to be happy. I have great friends here and the kids have finally adjusted (mostly). But I hate the weather beyond description and terribly miss being engaged in a dynamic, creative work environment. His new start up was recently featured in Forbes magazine, and I'm just a little jealous.

The positive outcome of our discussion is that I was newly motivated to attack the job market. I sent out four applications this evening and still have two open ones simmering. One day soon I will land a fun and challenging position. Until then, I will continue to pretend I'm loving the freedom, because indeed, I do manage to have quite a bit of fun by accident :)

Theatricality and deception are powerful weapons
~Bruce Wayne (Batman)

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