A very constructive day

First day back in St Ives and we have been busy, busy, busy.

First thing this morning I went down to the beach for a play. Ann says that at least one of my walks, every day, will be down on the beach. How fabulous is that? At the moment I can go on all the beaches at any time of the day or night, but from the 15th May I can only go on them before 10am and after 6pm, (but that's OK because Ann doesn't take me to the beach when it's mega busy anyway). Ann thinks that is a very good compromise for people who want to take their doggies on the beach and people who do not want to see gorgeous little Collie pups on the beach.

After breakfast, Ann cleaned all the patio slabs on our sun terrace and I just snoozed in my bed. And then she weeded all our pots and I just snoozed in my bed. And then she put up solar powered lights at the front of our house and I just snoozed in my bed. And then she cleaned the walkway in front of our house and I just snoozed in my bed.

After that, we went to Penzance because Ann wanted to go to 'B&M' and 'The Range'. She bought a garden umbrella. OK, we don't have a garden and normally Ann would never ever shade herself from the sun................. BUT...................... my human has this 'romantic' notion that she's going to sit on our very sunny sun terrace for the next three months and write her book........................ 'My life in lockdown'. Will it happen? Who knows??

Anyway, I obv had to wait in the car while Ann was shopping, and then we went to St Erth River for my walk. I LOVE. LOVE, LOVE it there. You wouldn't believe the number of bunnies that just hang around basking in the sunshine. If you look closely at this BLIP you can see a bunny escaping up the bank. Obviously I had to chase him, so I swam across the river, and ran after him, but by then he'd disappeared down his burrow. No worries...................... there was another one just sitting in the sunshine that needed chasing. I didn't catch him either, so I just swam back across the river and continued my walk with Ann.

Oh and if anyone is interested...............Ann ordered an 'outdoor rocking chair' online. It was due to be delivered at the end of the week, but it arrived today. Stupidly, my human didn't realise that she would have to build it. See extras. #whyislifesocomplicated

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