
As it turned out, yesterday's forecast for snow came to fruition this morning with a white dusting and snow falling. It was bitterly cold out and strong winds through the day making it more so. At 4 when I went out snow began to fall again.

I was surprised to see the grebe as wind whipped up the water, but it continually disappeared below for long stretches, resurfacing unexpectedly some distance away.

Not ideal light meant higher isos for better shutter speeds, but it allowed  better colour and texture than I had in bright sun last week.

Back at the purple martin colony, eight birds showed up today. They need to be fed when temperatures fall below 50 as their natural insect diet disappears. Trying to do so disturbed them and they emerged from their shelter, allowing me to get a few shots.

Extra: Then There Were Eight. I think sharpening introduced a few defects, but I liked the shot anyway.

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