Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sabine Hay

Monday again! I didn't sleep well and had to be up early(for me) for a gas heating service appointment. I woke about 7 and decided to get dressed then go back to bed so that if the door bell rang I'd be fit to answer it! The appointment was between 10 and 2 so I thought I might fit in an extra couple of hours sleep.
At five past two!!! we got a call to say he'd had problems with his van and had had to go back to Uddingston. I think he thought we would say never mind we'd rearrange, but having waited in all day we wanted to get things finished. He made it here around 3.15.
I spent the day pottering in the garden, the daffodils are still looking good and some of the later varieties are out now. This beauty, which is described, pretty accurately I think, as Apricot coloured, is Sabine Hay which I bought new the year before last. I'm very pleased with it. I'm looking out for a good pink variety this year. I've several with a pink tint but I'd like to find a true pink variety. I love these new colours and shapes.
I got creative in the kitchen this evening. I bought some drastically reduced calves liver from Waitrose yesterday so after much googling, we had it as a starter with an onion and thyme relish. I didn't have half the correct ingredients so improvised rather a lot, it was absolutely delicious.
Another episode of Happy Valley this evening, we're getting to the end now, slowly. I think I'm enjoying it more than Colin is. I saw an advert for the third series of Guilt tonight. Something to look forward to.

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