Easter Ender

My brother has being feeling a bit under the weather on and off for the last couple of weeks - cold like symptoms with aching limbs, a runny nose and generally feeling really tired. Just in case, he'd done several covid tests before he left for work and they all came back negative but yesterday as the day wore on he developed a blinding headache which went away but then returned again this morning. Well you can guess the rest - he took a test this morning and there were two solid red lines. Damn! 
Therefore, he'll have to spend the next few days at home - his work have told him he can't come in if he tests positive (which I think, rather negligently, not all workplaces seem to insist on). He has been triple jabbed and says it in no way feels as bad as the first time he contracted it but he was still feeling quite grotty.
That meant we had to cancel any plans we had for the last day of his Easter break so we were feeling a bit downbeat to be honest. That's kind of summed up by my image for today which I captured on a quick walk to get some fresh air, as luckily my test came back negative. This is one of the signs, which marked the finish line of the trail, that had been attached to lampposts, fences and gates for a local kids Easter egg hunt around our estate yesterday but it was now looking rather forlorn and weatherbeaten after a Bank Holiday downpour.

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