Digging Into Daniel
It was a beautiful morning as we gathered at FBC to lift our hearts and voices in congregational worship and acknowledgment that we celebrated His resurrection last Sunday, but He is still alive and in charge of our world today with all of its challenges. After the welcome, we were blessed to see a couple who will be getting married soon, get baptized one right after the other. I took pictures of the baptism, then hurried upstairs immediately so that I could participate in the choir special arrangement of one of my all-time favorite hymns, "It Is Well With My Soul". Then, after more congregational singing, Pastor Wes took us to the Old Testament book of Daniel to encourage us as we live in a world that is not always in agreement with our values, that though it may look like God has lost control, He is still in control and will bless us if we remain faithful to what we know to be true,. God is sovereign over the nations, over the lives of individuals, but we have choices that will impact how we experience that sovereignty, If we are resolved to hold fast to what we know is right and glorifying to God, then He will honor that, though it may not be in a way that we expect. He does not promise us a trouble-free life, but He does promise to walk through the situations with us. Pastor Wes lays it all out better than I can in the Live-stream which I urge you to watch. You may notice the absence of any pictures of the scripture references and that is on me, I just couldn't get the shots to come out right, so I chose not to use them, but the Live-stream has them all......
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