...all the best dressed girls are wearing to Church!

This delightful little girl, J, was 2 years old today - so we sang Happy Birthday to her during the service, as well as singing to Jackie, who is 80 years young tomorrow.  As Matt, who was leading the service said, “It was great that the names were easy to remember, both beginning with the letter J”.  

We had a great time of worship and then a good sermon about Thomas, also called Didymus, which means “twin”.  Mary, who was preaching, certainly gave us food for thought and it made me realise that there’s actually nothing wrong with asking questions, and I have asked many in my life.  In fact, for many it can strengthen their faith once those questions have been answered. 

We shared Communion in the service and then finished with the rousing hymn “Amazing Grace”, which was well sung, and a new twist on an old hymn, with a chorus, as many of the writers do today when they re-work an old hymn. 

Following the service, as usual, we went out into the hall to have coffee - and today there was a huge cake for J’s birthday, which we were all invited to share - the small picture shows the decoration that was on top of the cake.  

We had already seen J during the service, as she likes to go up onto the rostrum and wander around, and we have the sort of Church where no-one minds.  She was easily spotted this morning as she was dressed in this beautiful froufrou tutu dress - once she was up there, she took a flag from one of the other little girls, but someone spotted that and she was then given a red sparkly flag, which matched her dress.  What was lovely was that the first child didn’t bat an eyelid when J took the flag from her, but smiled when J was given the red one and hers was handed back!  Oh that adults would behave like that!

I did ask permission from J’s Mum to use this photograph and she was happy for me to do so, but  I explained that I wouldn’t use J’s face.  

I was quite surprised to hear that Jackie was 80 years young - because she looks a lot younger, so this word fits her!

AGERASIA (pronounced ‘adge-uh-ray-zee-ah’)
A more youthful appearance than one’s true age 
(derived from a Greek word for ‘eternal youth’).

P.S.  Thank you so much for your kind comments and good wishes for Mr. HCB’s birthday yesterday - we had a lovely day together - and just chilled out - hence no commenting, but he was grateful for every one and wanted you to know. 

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