MissTracy Photography

By MissTracy

Rain's Coming

I'm settling in to my new area really well, and it's so nice to work with such fresh and genuine people, and an operational team that appear to know what they're doing. I think in my previous area I sunk myself too much into the operational side of things and became very frustrated in me and my team having to prop up their in-capabilities.

Funny how things work out, I had a really surprising start to the year, but all has worked out well and I'm with lovely people. Who knew that I'd enjoy so much getting away from an area that I spent so long with.....

Life's really good at the moment. Met the girls for tea today, this is always fun and I love to spend time with them. Alas it rained as I walked down on the beach to see them....this is the sky that heralded it!

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