More Willow Planting

It's been a lovely sunny day, with clouds passing over, sunny evening too.  It was lovely and warm in the sun. 

Up early, and headed down to mam's after breakfast.  A busy morning planting trees, then helped mam in the garden.  We headed up to Laura's for a cuppa after.  The afternoon was spent in the garden and greenhouse.  I've got more jobs from last year done.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, then Laura and Shaun popped by.  Off out with friends for a pub crawl in Scalloway, all four bars, it's friend Julie's birthday weekend.  

Another busy weekend with trees.  This was the final batch planted, thank goodness.  It must be around 200 trees overall gone in, give or take a few.  I started on some of mam's ground, also friend and mam's neighbour croft, James Dodge's ground.  Mam came by to give me a hand.  This is probably why I was finding it warm.  Taken on James' ground, head of Aithsvoe, Aith Meadows, Cunningsburgh.  

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