Soggy Doggies

Another busy day. 

Richard had two temporary lines placed in his neck by a skilled surgeon. This allowed dialysis to take place this afternoon. Unfortunately because it is an acute ward visiting is very restricted. I was told I could not visit today. A shame as I know how a visit would break up the day. He will be kept in another night and have more dialysis tomorrow before hopefully coming home. It will take a few weeks before he has his blood fully cleaned from the toxins. He will need a special diet and needs to measure fluid intake. Quite a lot to get your head round. Now frantically looking for recipe books and advice.

Thomas is good company and this afternoon we both went to Sproxton to see Matthew and walk both Blake and Mara. Here he is rubbing down Mara with Blake waiting to be let in. Rather a wet and muddy dog walk! However just the distraction I needed. 

Will hope to get back on track soon with commenting. Thanks for all your supportive comments.

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