The Old And The New

I started my day by reading my new book – I am so glad to have finished the one leant to me by TT’s sister.  Then there were chores and laundry to be attended to.  TT and I then left BB to fend for himself – and to do some studying.  We headed to Peebles.  We parked up, had a wander around the town and then had some lunch.  The café we chose was practically empty when we got there, but very quickly filled up.  After lunch we headed to Dawyck Botanic Garden, and spent a lovely couple of hours wandering the grounds.  We weren’t sure what the weather was going to do, but were delighted that the sun came out.  We paid a visit to the café when we got back to the visitor centre, but it had pretty much run out of cakes.  There was some shortbread left – and what a great choice, as it was delicious, we almost went back for two more pieces.

We stopped at the supermarket in Peebles on our way home as we needed a couple of things.  They had some great Easter egg bargains – which TT couldn’t resist.  Once home, TT volunteered to cook tea.  I popped out for a few more steps as it was such a lovely evening.  It was windy thought  - and there was a dust storm as I walked past the newly sown field in the third extra.
We always walk the same route when we visit Dawyck – taking in the outer edges, before looking around the more central areas.  We like the Korean fir – which still had the remnants of last year’s cones, and the new growth of this year’s, which are apparently called strobili  There were also signs of fresh new leaves emerging on a few trees – like the sycamore in the extra.  We also saw a few hares running around – like the two in the second extra.

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