Off on a journey

It was going to be yet another wet day and we suddenly realised that, despite us living a few minutes from Appleby Station, the girls had never been on the Settle/Carlisle railway. Neither had Ella, the budding artist, seen the Hockney paintings at Salts Mill. So, Appleby to Saltaire it was. They loved the journey, especially with grandad making it into a geography lesson! 

A successful day for everyone. Excellent lunch, before wandering the galleries and bookshop. Ella loved the pictures and artist materials gallery. Despite the rain, we managed a walk round Saltaire and down to the park - Mum remembering her childhood haunts. 

So, 4,000 blips! 
It’s been quite a journey - from Blip 1 to Blip 4,000. 

Here is Ella - Blip Number 24   
Here is Maisie - Blip Number 9

And here they are at Blip Number 4,000. Thanks to everyone who has been with me along the way and to those who make the journey possible for all of us.
The journey continues . . . 

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