Change of plans

It started sunny and OH went off to golf (again) but was back around ten minutes later having received a text that the course was waterlogged!  This rather scuppered my plans but as it was a sunny day we decided on an early walk.  We did around 9k but avoided the river which was flooded although stopped off at Teston for a coffee and cake.  Got chatting to the lady working in the tea hut who was complaining about being sent home early when it rains (without pay) and also receiving no holiday pay.  How do some employers get away with it?  I went into HR Manager mode but not sure she will follow my advice?

Home and the sun was still out so I delayed food shopping and went into the garden instead.  I uncovered the dahlias which had overwintered and looked ok, and pleased to see a few were shooting?  The soil was a bit too claggy to do any weeding but I fiddled around a bit and OH sanded down the bench to give a coat of paint (when it eventually stops raining).

Frustrating hour on the phone to pension provider (again) why do they never make it easy?  I know 'my call is important to them' but just employ more staff to answer the phone please?  No.1 was on tender hooks waiting for delivery of medication but fortunately arrived mid afternoon, stress she could do without.

Food shopping and watching the rain finished off the afternoon.

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