
By Mindseye

Monton Lighthouse

Whats going on with this weather, its like blooming winter again!!

Spent most of this morning wrapped parcels, loading the car boot with items for the charity shops.

Dropped the parcels off, then drove to Monton to meet friend B from Camera Club for a long overdue catch up.

Our initial plans were thwarted as the carpark was closed, so we ended up at The Waterside Hotel, on the canal.

As we were chatting over coffee B said what a good view we had of the lighthouse…….
hence my blip….. you can read more about it here if you’re curious lol


It was pouring down, blowing a gale on the drive back, the temperature a measly 5

Had to stop off for milk and a few groceries, then home to warm up lol…….had a nice steak and spicy noodle dish for my tea.

Had an hours chat with youngest on the phone tonight. He is away from home, a new job, 12 days induction in South Wales.
Not the easiest thing for him with his sight disability, but its going well, he’s met some nice colleagues who are looking out for him, the hotel staff are helping him at breakfast time, he sounds quite happy, doing his self confidence good to be independent as it were ;-)

Think Ill be having an early night again tonight :-)

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