Craa's Nest

This croft is one of three premises, in Rackwick, now belonging to the Friends of the Hoy Kirk.  They are gradually to be restored over the next couple of years.  It includes two box beds.
All day long the HQ anemometer hasn’t been below 46 mph.  And from the dreaded sooth east.  And never a sighting of a baboon  (mention requested by a certain Blipper).  There probably aren’t any in Congleton either.  Congleton is the site of the infamous time that Blanche and Desmond had a puncture whilst out on their tandem.  It was the euphemism of the time.  But you all know that because it was mentioned in his ‘chat’ when Russell Harty spoke with Bill Tidy about his latest novel.
Pat  McMahon is 77.

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