Being WildCardinal...

By WildCardinal

An odd sort of day

One of those strange days which all seemed a bit jumbled up. I think the weather was feeling a bit the same too - late May and there was hail, and the temperature outside driving back was 3c. Brrr!

A visit to the dentist at lunchtime. Good news and bad news. In general my teeth are in good shape. Bad news is that the 'bad tooth' has got worse and needs to be pulled. No ifs, buts or maybes. just done. Not that much of a surprise, and I'll get it done when I'm back from holiday, but not something to look forward to. Back to the dentist in the morning for a hygenist appointment though.

An odd afternoon at work. Busy, but nothing got crossed off my to-do list. Meetings, talking to people etc.

This evening was the camera club AGM. I think I was probably the most vocal one there. Lots of awards (very nice), and I'm now on the committee. Need to figure out what I can do to best help... probably running practical evenings to complement the competitions and lectures which are already organised.

Maybe tomorrow will be more balanced?

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