Was supposed to be going to Js to work in his garden with him but it was raining so cancelled it. It brightened up for a while later on but we had some very heavy showers. Hence I felt I mostly wasted the day. Did some financial admin and a bit of pottering outside but no proper gardening at my place either. The kittens are very playful now. I have a tall bottle shaped wicker structure in the kitchen- about 120 cm tall I would think. Otis managed to climb up this and then jump/ fall into it. Of course he couldn’t get out. This happened a few times so its now on its side and acts as a nice tunnel for them! I also discovered they’d taken the heads off three tulips that g and c gave me when they came for lunch yesterday ,
They are also getting much more affectionate. I was lying on the sofa this evening when Billie came and sat on my chest. A few minutes later Otis joined her. I got the impression that they were jostling for position!

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