
By kas18

Walking on Water

Bit of a lazy blip tonight. I saw these two walking in very shallow water today. The river is right down. I prefer it that way though. I wanted to get the little moorhen who was with them but the minute he hears any noise he's off.

Today was a bits and bobs day. Washing, shopping, cleaning....all quite boring stuff really.

Tonight the personal trainer came. He trained all of us. I worked out with my youngest who needs to get fit for his American trip. Then my husband and other son worked out together. We will be the fit family soon. I loved it. Hopefully he will measure my body fat next week which will give me a good idea of how far I've come and how much further I need to go. Not too much I hope. He said he would take me to the gym for some weight sessions. I'm really enjoying this keeping fit lark.

My youngest is off to Holland in the morning for a few days with the soccer school he coaches for. He is more unorganised than I was ....I wonder who he takes after!

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