
By kas18

At The End Of The Day!

This is one of our trainers called Tim. He was so nice...when he wasn't training us of course. He had a great sense of humour and kept our spirits up. This was taken after our last training session so we are looking a little bedraggled. I'm with Jessie0908.

We had another full on day today. Starting with an insanity workout...it was insane! Then it was onto boxing. I really enjoyed the boxing. From there we had team challenge. Lots of different events throwing medicine ball, taking weighted objects in our team for a half mile run, sprinting on our hands and feet, tug o war and plank off. I'm proud to say I won the plank off ... 4 mins and 18 sec. Our team which we called Bootylicious won...hooray. We then did another workout which was governed by a pack of cards. I enjoyed that as well. On to Pilates.....then finish.

I've met some really lovely people on this course. I've also gained a bit of self belief and more confidence. Hopefully I've gained in my fitness level and learnt a little bit more about nutrition. We were on 1,200 calories a day. Quite enough really. I was please that what they preached was exactly what I eat.

Took me five hours to get home as I dropped jessie0908 of at a service station and waited until she was picked up.

On my way home I had a call from my son.....

Tom.....where are you mum?
Me.....on my way home. why?
Tom.....what's for tea?

I think he got the message. I felt like turning round and going back.

Goodness what will I do with myself tomorrow.....I remember...I've got a P.T coming to put me through my paces....then boxersize!

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