More Of The Same

Mrs S and I headed out to Slice of Cornwall for breakfast, no room so Muddy Beach it was. Then off to Burncoose Nursery for some birthday shopping for friend Ben who has his birthday tomorrow. Home for coffee before heading out for more rugby. Touring side Old Dunstonians were in town but before that the One & All took on St Austell III’s in the cup semi final.
One & All were on Tregenver pitch which meant those of us watching them missed most of the game taking place on the main pitch. The One & All lost, always a bit of a downer to lose a semi final but they have some consolation in winning the league. Missing most of the ‘main event’ was no bad thing, the enthusiasm tends to wane when you are bludgeoned by the ‘should feel good’ factor whenever you are on the premises.
A beer, a pasty and a match, that’s all you really need.
Home after just a couple of post match beers for a curry with Mrs S before making a decent inroad into my latest book.
Fair bit of work to do tomorrow, e-mails to send out and H&S for the rugby club to send for updating/amending.

Todays photo is of what some might call the best view of Penryn, the route out by sea!

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