Role Model

Fourteen years since my Dad passed away and I can honestly say I’ve missed him virtually every day and I think about him often.
A quiet, understated man, like everybody's father mine had a huge impact on my life, he supported and encouraged me all my life but particularly when I was a young tearaway, persistent truancy from school compounded with shop lifting resulted in more than one court appearance and the last occasion provides one abiding memory. As a twelve year old being led away to the cells in the courthouse to begin three years in youth custody my Dad, incredibly sad, came down to see me and gave me four pieces of advice that I have carried with me all of my days;

Be strong but be polite.

Defend yourself but do not be a bully or be bullied

You have two ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you talk.

Do not worry about things you have no control over

He spoke from his experiences, he had been down the same path as a youngster.
Supportive of all of his children, he would always see the best in every situation, he was a good man in every sense of the word and loved by many. The Garrison Church in Aldershot was full to bursting on the day of his funeral, people from all walks of life.

Friday is pasty, coffee & rum with my friends Richard and Jackie, still isolating, a good way to spend a couple of hours.
Slogged my way through another book, first one of the year that I have found hard going but not to worry, I have another half dozen at least waiting on the coffee table.

Todays photograph was taken on Brighton Pier in 1966, collars and ties were the dress of the day in those days.

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