
By LifeLines

Easter Bunny

A sunny day, with a cool breeze to start but it soon warmed to feel very pleasantly spring-like by late morning.

Today we walked with Merlin at Prinsted, taking a route along the shore, across fields where Merlin could have a good run, then back via Nutbourne and it’s little pottery tucked away in the trees by a stream. I felt ready for lunch and a rest by the time we returned home.

This afternoon I tried taking photographs of some aromatherapy products I’ve made. I used three different cameras, two hours and none of the photos turned out to my satisfaction. I’ll have to regard it as a learning process and try again when I’m feeling refreshed.

A bath and another early night - currently lying in bed with the window open so the cool air can drift in and I can hear the birds calling before they too settle for the night.

Best wishes x

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