
By LifeLines

The Boy

After your kind comments about Merlin yesterday, I thought he should be today’s blip. So here he is posing for me on his morning walk, wondering what this being told to stand and ‘wait’ is about, but knowing it’s something to do with him and he’d better do as he is told.

Later I put up a new two person tent in the back garden. The idea was that it would be just big enough for Merlin and myself, plus our kit. A bit disappointing as the fly sheet didn’t fit very well, so it is being returned.

After that I decided to do something more easy - sowing seeds. Cucumbers (3 varieties), more leeks, courgette, sunflowers and cosmos. There is space for them on sunny windowsills now that my first batch of seedlings (spinach, Swiss chard, leeks and salad leaves) are in the ‘greenhouse’ in the garden.

I suspect this evening Andy will be watching the golf and football, so I will probably read a book and have an early night - I’m happy with that!

Hoping you’ve had a good Easter Saturday.

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