Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Common Wood Pigeon

We had a light frost this morning, I was surprised to see it all over the grass when I went outside with Xena this morning. Despite that it has been the most beautiful day, sunny with blue skies all day and quite warm (relatively speaking).

As it was such a lovely day I decided to go to Bushy Park with Xena, and I was busy packing my camera bag and about to leave when Fiona arrived to take Xena out for a walk with her pals - I had forgotten she was coming! So I saw her off and then decided to get stuck into auditing the camera club accounts instead, a poor compromise! The treasurer had prepared everything very well with supporting schedules, so although it took me all morning it was very easy to do. Thankfully that is now done. 

I went outside to fill the bird feeders and I had an impatient robin hopping onto the feeders as I was busy filling them. I decided to blip this pigeon today, they are so underrated and ignored, poor things, when they actually have rather lovely colours. They cannot fit on the feeders so I usually scatter some seeds for them and it's a race between them and the squirrels as to who gets to them first. This was taken through my study window. 

Xena and I had another lovely walk in the woods this afternoon, these sunny and longer days means she gets to enjoy two walks.

Last night the camera club talk on fine art photography was interesting to see how the photographer takes a very standard image and after over an hour of editing it in Photoshop he can produce something quite beautiful. However most of us were lost, we did not understand all the things he was doing using countless layers, and I know I will never spend over an hour editing a single image!

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