
By Godfrey57

Better day!

The weather was overcast but the rain held off! I spent a lovely morning in Worcester with my daughter. We met a friend for coffee then had a good mooch around the shops!
Some of you might know that my daughter is ‘wheelchair dependent’. This is her freedom and independence. For sometime now we have been having an ongoing battle with some local taxi drivers who think that is acceptable to neither strap her chair nor her into their vehicle , often advising us that they will ‘drive carefully’ (!!). Today however, the taxi driver was brilliant snd secured the chair using the fittings in his vehicle and also used the safety belt to strap her in too , wonderful. We are in discussion with the regulatory council about the issues. Unfortunately the knock on effect of the problem is that she is not confident to use a taxi in her own as she finds it hard to challenge a driver and insist that he uses the appropriate straps to secure her safely. We will fight on!
Sorry for long explanation, oh and my ‘blip’ is a pot at the front of our house, great to see bulbs coming up:) :)

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