Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

A Hole in the Heavens

Look out Chicken Little, the sky is falling! Well, plenty of rain has been falling at least. And the temperatures, too. It's really a struggle these days to maintain a positive attitude when I desperately miss warm sunshine. I am not cut out for this cold damp climate.

Once again, I have my daughter to thank for dragging me out running this evening. My kids are such awesome motivators. As we headed out, the clouds broke a bit, and we were blessed with brief glimpses of blue sky before nightfall. Then tracing the river near the end of our course, the moon was clearly visible and I felt a bit cheated. Let the moon hide behind clouds, I want the sun to come out and play! But the forecast for tomorrow is even more dismal than today. Didn't that red-headed orphan Annie promise us "the sun will come out tomorrow"? Little liar ;)

Alas, sun or no, the sky is not falling, disaster is not imminent, and I am grateful for the gifts of my home and family... and red wine :)

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