Frames in Florida

We've been going to garage sales here in Florida, and I've been looking for old wood frames, both with matting and without. I take them apart, sometimes adding my own paper...and paint away. While this may be a Florida fish, it definitely is a Michigan backdrop. The lighthouse is in Mackinaw City, the last stop before heading into our Upper Peninsula.

Why no camera shot today? I feel like all we did today was eat. Lunch at friend's Mike and Cindy house, who are heading home tomorrow. Roast beef with taters and carrots. Delicious.

Then on to brother Jim (and Joy's) house for a Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey with all the fixins. Delicious.

While we've been here, I have done 11 framed paintings, and 12 canvas paintings. The problem?

HOW DO I GET THEM HOME? Packing the back of the van is going to be a challenge.

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