Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Little bunny fou fou!

I spotted these in Waitrose yesterday and just couldn't resist buying them for Isobel. She got them today so she could wear them to school over her own specs. As you can tell she went right into character! It's a bit of a fuzzy shot, which is not ideal but it's a screen shot of our WhatsApp call and she wouldn't stay still, bunny hopping all over the lounge, Ah well, that's Isobel for you. Slightly fuzzy and a lot of fun.
Wednesday today and I managed to get up in time for church. We had 14 for the service which is pretty good for midweek. Interestingly five of the congregation were men and most of them were below retirement age. This congregation used to be entirely female.
We had a birthday celebration with alcohol free fizz and birthday cake afterwards, we're always up for a celebration!
today's extra is my camellia in the back garden, apart from the fact it needs a good feed it's looking pretty spectacular. The flowers are a very delicate baby pink but sadly they don't like the rain. I'm going to prune the left side of the bush once it's finished flowering, it's getting too close up and personal with the pear tree!

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