A New Day

By ANewDay

Dicentra Spectabilis

Often known as "Bleeding Heart", for obvious reasons. We first bought this variety over 30 years ago for a previous garden, but when we moved to Scotland our garden contained other dicentra which were not nearly so pretty. I eventually managed to track it down again last year and this is its first year of flowering, so I was delighted to see it again.

The builders are still with us (I think they'll be here for Christmas!) and today they were re-laying the path to the front door which had sunk badly in places during the winter. The copings and caps for the new wall will not be ready until the end of next week and the patio still has a few twiddly bits before it's finished, so no photos to show you yet of either!

Sunshine, heavy showers and gale force winds today - strong enough to blow the new leaves off the trees!

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