
By LifeLines

Sky View

Thanks for all your interest in my little break. I’m now home, adjusting to being in a bigger space with a dog, husband and central heating!

This morning in my little hut I woke to the sun streaming in through the sky light and the trees above gently swaying in the breeze. I savoured the moment with breakfast in bed, then packed my bags ready to leave.

As I left my hosts ushered me into the most extensive and wonder filled workshop I’ve ever seen. Both are experienced willow weavers and after a short instruction, I was given the materials and tools to weave a little bird feeder to take home as a keep sake. What a special time I’ve had, it’s been such a wonderful, heartwarming experience.

Back at home, Merlin’s had a little biopsy on his jowls (you may recall they’ve been inflamed for several months). He is still recovering from the anaesthetic and appears quite confused and a bit whiny. I’ve snuggled him in his bed and covered him in blankets and one of Andy’s fleece jackets. Hoping he’ll be more like himself tomorrow.

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