
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today has been a VERY fun day. Feefs is here! 

She was supposed to come to cheer Caro up while I was away. But as it turns out she is just HERE. 

Still cheering us up though. 

She made me laugh with her chat about Creme Eggs. They are another Caro obsession right now and we have a Tupperware container of about 20 in the pantry. 

The sisters had one each and Feefs said that eating one is good practice for cunnilingus. "Seriously, this is how you learn," she told me. Then she showed me. 

BLALALALALALALAAAA was the noise she made as she did it. 

It was the noise. The blalalalalaalalaaa noise. I lost it. I cried. Then BOTH Caro and Feefs did it. 

There were tears. 

Feefs has news. She has a new job. She is a "lifter". 

Or to give her the more formal title, "Funeral Director Assistant". It is a step in a career she has always wanted. It's not an embalmer job as such, but she will be picking up bodies and delivering them TO the embalmer. 

She is very excited and we are all very happy for her. 

I'll give you further updates on this. Whether you want them or not.


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