Mothers Day / Birthday

It was Daughter Number 1's 32nd Birthday today - on Mothers Day! (DN2 was born on Mothers Day!)

They booked 'Bill's' in Reigate for breakfast for us all. It was nice to get together but it was all a bit rushed!! The boys were great and tucked into a nice pile of pancakes with 'dip dip' - Maple syrup!!

I left them all to go to the park so I could get back, walk Bella then head up to my (step) mums who was having dinner with my sister. I took her a flower pot I had made. She was absolutely thrilled with the surprise. We couldn't stay long as we had left Bella at home but it was worth travelling all that way just for an hour.

Life is too short not to make time. 

Happy Birthday DN1 xxxx
Happy Mothers Day Mummy. xxx

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