Birthday Girlies

I met my girls in the HarBar in Guildford for an Afternoon Tea to celebrate their birthdays. Daughter Number 1 is 31 today, Daughter Number 2 is 29 on Monday.

I had a nightmare journey getting there as the A27 near where Im staying was closed and I was sent on a gas gusling hours detour full of traffic so I was late. We laos had a very rude lady sitting close by obviously pee'd off  at Baby noises (they were happy noises I hasten to add!). She sat glaring at us, mouthing "this is a joke" and sitting with her fingers in here ears. I appreciate not everyone likes baby noise by my girls were just trying to enjoy a nice tea to celebrate their birthdays!

Once Rude Lady had left, we could relax and enjoy our afternoon of chatting, baby cuddles, presents and great food.

DN2 then left to get home and I wandered through Guildford with DN1 to go and find her BF who had taken Baby M for a walk to get him off to sleep.

My journey back to Lady Lindas was far shorter, easier and less stressful Im pleased to say. Its so great having a built in Doggy sitter at the moment and Im taking full advantage of the freedom LL allows us as shes more than happy to look after Bella. 

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