
By KCNQ2Haiku

Sit, wait.

Final Home-Start Day,
Walk and coffee, muddy dog.
Hoover, mop and bins!

Busy today, it was my final Home-Start visit which was lovely, a bit bitter sweet.  Leo enjoyed a good stomp and we had a lovely coffee.  At home I had lunch and then went to fetch Ben.  He really struggled to get in the car today, lots of lashing out, his teacher was there and took the brunt of it but it is a shame.  They had over-done it with him a bit, he had cooking first thing and was allowed to eat some chilli beef, then travel training where he went on the train to a cafe for a pepsi max, then he was supposed to have play therapy but she was ill and because they thought he'd struggle with that message, they decided to take him to the airport runway visitor centre to see the planes.  He was very giddy when I arrived and immediately decided he wouldn't get in the car.  He had been awake since about 4am as well which probably hasn't helped.  Once he'd calmed down he was fine, it's like a cloud passes and you know it'll be alright now.  Strange.  Anyway the afternoon has been good.  I've tidied, hoovered, mopped, cooked their dinner and put the bins out.  How exciting! 
Now I need to pop to the shops because I've forgotten wraps for Ben's lunch box. Grumble grumble.  
At puppy training this week they were teaching Sit/Wait which is perfect for taking photos, it turns out!!  So that is what you have today.

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