Plum Tree Among the Skyscrapers
The Jaga alarm went off at 0515 this morning not sure if the cats had caught something but it was the start of the barking and woke up the village from its slumber! It’s World Poetry Day! I was a bit premature yesterday but I do like this poem from Simon Armitage, just an extract as it’s long.
he’s travelled for years
through tangled forests
and formal gardens,
edged along hedgerows,
set up her stall
on tenanted farms
then moved on, restless,
empty handed sometimes,
sometimes with fruit
in her arms.
She’s hopscotched
through graveyards and parks,
settled down in allotments,
clung to a church roof
by a toe.
She’s pitched camp on verges
and hard shoulders,
stumbled on threadbare moors
above the tree-line
and slummed it on wasteland,
but dug in on steep hillsides
and rough ground.
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