
...or I think I prefer Star Lily. We found it growing all by itself next to Spike's meadow on our walk this morning. It's about a foot tall and stands out under the trees.The pretty bad image of blue wildflowers was the only one I could get of the first sighting of any kind of wildflowers. they are quite common around here but it was windy and the image isn't clear enough to get a clear identification. The third image is of a small tree that uprooted itself and would have fallen down the hill if it hadn't landed in the top branches of a tree below it. Much bigger trees than this have been coming out of the super saturated ground in many parts of the county causing power outages, traffic problems and generally creating havoc. We've been fortunate here not to have lost any trees to this sort of misadventure. Most of the vulnerable burned or damaged trees have already been removed.

We went to the nursery in search of some spring flowers for the pots below our new porch but it is still too early for the unusual petunia varieties they always carry. It seems that the bad weather has delayed not only the wildflowers but the nursery varieties. 

The sun has disappeared and the clouds have moved back in so it looks like we're in for more rain...We're actually going out to dinner for the first time in ages ...years?...tonight. Grandson Peter is holding the fort while Jim and Dana are in Patagonia, so we're taking him to Rosso, a pizzeria and wine bar we used to go to all the time. Covid, Spike and bad weather have all conspired to keep us at home, so when Peter suggested it the other day, we jumped at the chance.

If there are any Leonard Cohen fans out there, we watched a documentary on Netflix called Halleluia. Although he wrote the song (it took him seven years), it was covered by so many famous people that few people realized who the actual writer was. It's a very moving story featuring many people from our generation. I could watch it again. I also have Halleluia to thank for finally chasing a Wombles song out of my head. It had become such an entrenched earworm for so long I thought I just might go it will probably be Halleluia for awhile, but I hope not because I love the song ...

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