Chapel Island (big and little)...

... and a hint of rainbow.  Sunshine, and warmish but blowing an absolute hoolie! Bantry Bay looking turbulent but a nice light on Chapel Island, one of five islands in the bay - it may look like two but they're joined by a shingly spit. 24 acres of very fertile land apparently and the remains of one house, and yes, a possible chapel. 
It has one notorious story attached: One tranquil summer’s evening in 1907 a young jeweller, William O Callagher, from Bantry was out rowing nearby with his mother. Also enjoying a bit of boating was an English miner, Charles Phillamore Roscoe. He was amusing himself by shooting gulls. After the two parties passed each other, Roscoe took aim at a gull perched on a rock. The bullet missed the gull, ricocheted off a rock or the surface of the water, and struck the jeweller in the chest, fatally wounding him.
The Southern Star reported that the only other occupant of the row boat was O’Callaghan mother, “a lady of advanced years, who was shocked and alarmed beyond description”.

And it's sile na gig day - the extra is one I prepared earlier and a fine example she is. What's going on here is open to a lot of heated debate. I think they were just meant to scare the bejesus out of passing bad spirits and kept you castle/church (yes that's where they usually found) safe and sound.

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