Afternoon at Rowe Woods
After several gloomy days, it was good to see the sun again today, though it was still cool, and we’d had a hard frost overnight. Roger had an appointment for his annual check-up with the dermatologist this morning, so it was afternoon before we got out for our daily exercise, hiking at Rowe Woods. We saw a Cooper’s hawk in the trees above the bird feeders behind the Visitor Centre, but unfortunately my photos didn’t turn out too well, then we continued to the bird hide overlooking some more feeders, where the male and female cardinals, chickadees and tufted titmice were busy, and the squirrels were busy cleaning up underneath! The Canada geese were quite numerous and extremely vocal on and around the lake. Along the trails the wildflowers were coming out, including the invasive Lesser Celandine, and white trout lily. There was plenty of scope for photography, so it had to be another collage!
Step count: 7,426
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