A time for everything

By turnx3


Once again we awoke to a dusting of snow on the roof tops and on the grass, and it was still snowing lightly, when I drove to Knitting ministry. We had a good gathering this morning - nine of us. I didn’t do very well this morning, as I grabbed my knitting from the sofa, where I’d left it last night, and put it in my knitting bag. However when I got to church, I discovered I’d only picked up one needle! The group has received numerous donations of needles and yarn over the years, so there was a box of extra knitting needles, but out of the large selection, there wasn’t one pair or one circular in the size I needed! So I ended up taking a size smaller needle and some of the yarn that is available for the group, and starting a new prayer shawl.
By the time I headed home, it had stopped snowing, and Roger was ready and waiting for us to go down to Music Live at Lunch. It was Brazilian music today, a female soloist, with a beautiful sultry voice, accompanied by piano and guitar. It was most enjoyable. Since it was so cold, it wasn’t a day for a walk by the Ohio river as we often do, so instead we returned home and went to the sport centre for a swim.
My blip was in the entrance lobby of the big office tower, whose parking lot we used at lunchtime - all I got today!
Step count: 5,701

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