I’ve not been out today apart from to the greenhouse to open and close the door, on account of the horrible weather again!
Lots of reading and a few little jobs ticked off. I mounted another few prints for the next camera club competition. I hope there are enough entrants this time, otherwise I won’t be bothering again next year. It’s the last one of the season.
Spurred on by the Money Saving Expert himself, I gave hubby a lesson in our household finances - making sure he was able to sign on to online banking and showing him where a list of our main providers is kept. Some of it he already knew but some of it was new. I feel better about that now.
Also I made him call the future pensions helpline after finding out that he has two years worth of missing National Insurance contributions. Paying a sum now will mean he can then get the full amount of state pension per week when he reaches the correct age. It took him 1 hour and 45 minutes before the phone was answered and then it was done in less than 5 minutes! Anyway, it’s done now, thank goodness.
This Flowercard was from my mother in law for sorting out the water meter assessment meeting this week and nearly halving her water bills.
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