The weather today was grey

Yesterday, the weather was dramatic and changeable. The day began with rain, which turned briefly into swirling snow though the ground was too wet for much to settle. By lunchtime the sun was breaking through the cloud, heralding an afternoon of vivid blue sky, fluffy white clouds, green green grass and daffodils everywhere. Before sunset, with the valley already in shadow, I photographed huge cauliflower-like mounds of pink tinged cloud above the downs. By dinner time, huge hailstones were rattling on the velux windows and bouncing off the deck. 

Today I hoped for something interesting for Wide Wednesday's weather challenge... but it stayed unremittingly grey all day. I walked up the hill towards teatime and took a few tree photographs. I tried editing them in black and white, but they looked even more insipid. 

The nicest things today were supporting J with her Art Talk group, thinking about colour and mood in works by Klee, Kandinsky, Picasso and Winifred Nicholson, and eating P's excellent ratatouille made with more of last year's aubergine crop. I was also happy to see that a lot of the tomato seeds have germinated, the cauliflower seedlings look happy, and the first of the aubergines and spinach have started to appear. 

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