
By Skysea7

Yet another dismal day!

No sun at all. Just rain, drizzle, mist and more! I had a quick look around the garden for sunless photos. I caught the Robin in mid song. The squirrel comes every morning.

The headline story - should it really be the main headline two days running? I have no interest in football but when I see how many ‘presenters and commentators’ have boycotted the recent matches, it makes me wonder why there are usually so many (mostly men) sitting around and endlessly talking about matches both before and after, Maybe this is a good opportunity to prune a few out and reduce the talking time! I had hoped the Sharp man would have to resign over it, but it seems the result of an enquiry is awaited. Launching an enquiry when there’s questionable behaviour seems to be a vastly expanding method of hushing up issues and letting the offenders get away with it! I can’t believe that Partygate is STILL being looked into and they are saying Boris MIGHT have deliberately misled Parliament! He either did or he didn’t. It shouldn’t take WEEKS to say he MIGHT have. The truth as many see it is simply that he deliberately told LIES.

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