Pink Skies, Winter Trees

Another lovely snowy day.  Sunny spells when it wasn't snowing.  Fairly calm all day, and tonight.

Early shift in the airport again.  I've been working on the check-in desk on my own all day, and a steady day of passengers.  A few helicopter check-ins too, which Avril and Tim rattled through.  Popped by Laura's on my way home for a cuppa, ended up having to take my brother in-law to A&E with chest pains.  He's been kept in overnight, hope for good news tomorrow.  A quiet night working in the shop.  The last hour went crazy.  A quiet pint tonight.  Seems the postponed SMUHA is on anyway tonight, well the hop is, confusing. 

After a lovely day, there looked to be a good sunset.  Unfortunately it was behind the hill, but I did see some golden red reflections in windows, and this pink skies starting to stretch across the sky.  Hopefully it's a good sign of another good day tomorrow, just loving this calm, cold spell.  Taken on my way to work, The Creek, Scalloway. 

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